Get free inspirational quotes and images delivered daily from, the world’s largest healthy living website. In addition to the great daily words of wisdom, every quote also comes with an inspiring image and helpful translation for added motivation! Can’t remember to check the app for your daily dose of inspiration? No problem, our notifications will automatically remind you when the new quote is posted! Having a particularly tough day? Browse more quotes for the added motivation you need. Regardless of your goals or situation, daily inspiration and motivation is something we can all use more of, so take advantage of this great free app from SparkPeople! 获取免费的励志名言,并每天从,世界上最大的健康生活网站传送图像。除了智慧的伟大日常的话,每帖还附带了一个鼓舞人心的形象,帮助翻译,以增加前进的动力! 想不起来检查您的每日剂量灵感的应用程序?没问题,我们的通知会自动提醒您,当新的报价被发布!有一个特别艰难的一天?浏览添加的动机则需要更多的报价。 不管你的目标或情况,每天的灵感和动机是什么,我们都可以使用更多的,所以采取从SparkPeople这个伟大的免费应用程序的优势! 更多