At FeePerfect, we believe the greatest sharing is among WiFi buddies -- family, friends, co-workers who are already on the same local network. No emailing, no fumbling for a special cable, and no hunting for a USB stick (won't work for mobile). And you don't burn up precious wireless bandwidth! Magic! Just run Feem (on sender receiver), choose files to share, select who gets them, click Upload. Bam! Or choose a chat buddy, and open a session. Simple. Quick. Painless. Transfer pictures, videos, documents (and more?); phone-to-phone, phone-to-computer, or vice versa between your mobile, tablet and PCs. Feem doesn't require an active Internet, but the devices must be connected to the same WiFi router or hotspot. You can kiss your USB sticks goodbye. They won't work between your mobile devices anyway :) More info at 在FeePerfect,我们认为最大的共享无线网络的好友中 - 家人,朋友,同事谁是已经在同一本地网络上。 没有电子邮件,没有摸索的专用电缆,并没有狩猎的USB记忆棒(将不适用于移动工作)。 你不烧起来的宝贵的无线带宽! 神奇! 只要运行FEEM(发件人和接收器),选择文件共享,选择谁得到它们,单击上传。咣! 或者选择一个好友聊天,并打开一个会话。 简单。快速。无痛。 传送照片,视频,文件(及以上);手机到手机,手机到电脑,或者你的手机,平板电脑和个人电脑之间反之亦然。 FEEM不需要激活的Internet,但是设备必须连接到相同的WiFi路由器或热点。 你可以亲吻你的USB棒再见。他们不会将您的移动设备之间的反正工作:) 在http://tryfeem.com更多信息 更多