--- This app requires GO Keyboard installed ---After you download our theme, press the 'Open' button and after that 'Apply' and 'Done!'. --- To use the custom font included press long ' 123' key, go to 'Advanced Settings',select 'Font settings', then 'Scan fonts' and select font that has Hacker Keyboard on it. For more details, see the last screenshot/presentation video. --- If you have any issues, bugs or errors, please contact us at bestthemes11@gmail.com. Please rate and/or send us your thoughts in the comment section. --- The theme is high definition and tablet-friendly. --- Our applications are all translated in 48 different languages. --- This is a premium yet free app made possible by the use ads and your support. Thank you for using Best Themes!---- PLEASE RATE US ----Let your spirit of adventure and passion for technology be revealed with this amazing hacker Keyboard theme.Accessorize your smartphone with更多