PST aTrader, is the long-awaited Android Version of the award-winning trading platform VertexFX Trader. From this App, you can make the main trading functionality at your finger tips anytime, anywhere, using your Android Device. ________________v3.0.0:Total new version that introduces many new features and bug fixes, including:+ New Chart tab to see the historical data for the symbols, with the ability to add Technical Indicators and line studies.+ Net Trade tab.+ New Quotes options for Pro/Simple Views, with the ability to enable one click trading on each view if needed.+ Summary table will be colored red when Margin Level is below 100%+ Search Accounts by ID (beside the name).+ Tablets support.Along with many fixes... PST aTrader,是屡获殊荣的交易平台VertexFX交易的期待已久的Android版本。 通过该应用,可以使主交易功能在你的指尖,随时随地使用你的Android设备。 ________________V3.0.0:总的新版本引入了许多新功能和错误修复,其中包括:+新图表选项卡查看历史数据的符号,以增加技术指标和图形的能力。+网络贸易标签。+新行情选项的Pro /简单视图,有能力在需要时对每个视图使点击交易。+汇总表会被用红色时,保证金比例低于100%+搜索帐户由ID(旁边的名称)。+平板电脑的支持。随着许多修正... 更多