Are you tired of entering manually lots of conference codes (DTMF tones) to join or start a phone conference meeting/call? Join conference call meetings with a simple “one click”! What is Conference Caller?Conference Caller works like a general phone book for your conference call meeting details. Each phone book item consists of name, conference code and (optional) pin. When it is time to dial into a call you simply press the phone book item from your list and it will dial the phone number to your conference service and your conference code (+ optionally the pin code) Note: Program is NOT to be mixed up with “three way calling” or “multi-party call” which sometimes also is called “conference call” Different conference providers have been tested by us our users of this application. Examples are InterCall, FreeConferenceCall and ATT conference calling. Please share conference providers You successfully use the application for in comments so others can benefit from it also. Example of features:* No limit of how many conference call objects you can have* support* Quick start of own conference in the toolbar* Statistics over your conference calls* Possibility to define the character send after and before conference code and PIN are send 你是否厌倦了手动输入大量加入或启动一个电话会议,会议/电话会议代码(DTMF音调)? 用一个简单的“一次点击”加入电话会议! 会议来电显示是什么?会议来电就像一个普通电话簿的电话会议细节。每个电话簿项目包括姓名,会议代码和引脚(可选)。当它的时间拨打一个电话,你只需按电话簿项目从你的清单,将拨打的电话号码,您的会议服务和会议代码(PIN码+可选的) 注:程序不混了“三三方通话”或“多方通话”,有时也被称为“电话会议” 不同的会议提供商已经经过我们的用户该应用程序。 InterCall的,FreeConferenceCall和AT&T电话会议。请您已成功使用该应用程序的意见,以便其他人也可以从中受益份额的会议提供商。 功能的示例:*没有限制的,你可以有多少个电话会议对象*“即时会议”的支持*自己的会议在工具栏上的快速启动*统计在你的会议电话*可能性来定义字符发送会议之前和之后的代码和PIN发送 更多