Circle Alarm is the most intuitive alarm clock for Android. It is simple, fast and highly functional. In addition to all the basic functionality of an alarm clock (multiple alarms, snooze, recurring alarms, vibration ...) Circle Alarm offers: • MY MUSIC :With Circle Alarm, wake up to your favorite music or ringtone (mp3, wma ...). • FLIP TO SNOOZE :When the alarm rings, you can simply flip your phone to snooze it! • INFO SNOOZE VOICE :When you snooze an alarm, Circle Alarm says: No more need to check what time it is. • LONG CLICK TO STOP :The alarm's stop button reacts after a long click (that way you will never stop the alarm unintentionally). • FADE IN VOLUME :The alarm volume increases gradually and gently wake you. • CIRCLE TIME PICKER :With the Circle Time Picker interface, it has never been so fast and elegant to schedule an alarm. And more to discover yourself! ====== CONTACT ===== An idea ? A remark ? Thank you in advance. :) ====== PERMISSIONS ===== • WAKE_LOCK : Wake the device screen up.• READ_PHONE_STATE : Handle alarms that rings during phone calls• INTERNET : Bug reporting only.• VIBRATE : Make the phone vibrate.• READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE : Read ringtones from SD Card. 圈报警Android的闹钟是最直观的。它是简单,速度快,功能强大。 除了所有基本功能的闹钟(多个闹钟,贪睡,经常报警,振动...)圈报警提供: •我的音乐:与圆报警,醒来的时候,你最喜欢的音乐或铃声(MP3,WMA)。 •翻转斯诺:当闹钟响起时,你可以简单地翻盖手机打盹! •信息贪睡语音:当你打盹报警,圆报警说:“这将是下一报警X分钟X小时X分钟”。没有更多需要检查它是什么时间。 •长按停止:报警停止按钮后长按(这样你将永远不会停止报警无意)反应。 •褪色音量:报警量逐渐增加,并轻轻唤醒你。 •圆时间选择器:随着的圈时间选择界面,它从来没有这么快,优雅安排报警。 更多的发现吧! ======联系===== 一个想法?说话呢? 谢谢你在前进。 :) ======权限===== •WAKE_LOCK:唤醒设备屏幕。•READ_PHONE_STATE:处理报警通话期间环•互联网:错误报告。•VIBRATE:使手机震动。•READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE的:从SD卡读取铃声。 更多