app•lab is an interactive e-book that will expose you to some of the more fun parts of HTML5. Included are demonstrations of various HTML5 features like animation, touch gestures, viewport and image transformations. You can see code snippets within the app and even get the full HTML5 source code emailed to you so you can experiment with it on your own. app•lab even enables you to make modifications to the demonstration source code, and then test it within app•lab. Keywords: appMobi phonegap development dev applab html5 css javascript code animation geolocation ebook book app lab 是一个互动的电子书,您会接触到一些更有趣的部分HTML5的应用程序•实验室。包括示威各种HTML5功能,如动画,触摸手势,视口和图像转换。你可以看到应用程序内的代码片段,甚至得到全HTML5源代码通过电子邮件发送给你,这样你就可以在自己的试验。 应用程序•实验室甚至使您的演示源代码进行修改,然后测试应用程序•实验室内。 关键词:appMobi PhoneGap的开发dev applab的HTML5 CSS javascript代码动画地理位置电子书书应用程序实验室 更多